Day 3, and i’m long winded

Wow, I somehow can’t believe I’m only 18 posts old with this one. Maybe I should start posting more than once on any given day? That would probably be too much to read – you know, before boredom kicks in. Or, worst case would be “Would ya PLEASE shut the hell up already!” Before I go acting stupid, i guess i should move on to the entry for right now.My 72 hours are almost up! Yay! I’ve made it this long with only vaping, and nothing else! The longest I’ve gone on the patch has been a week – but, i also “cheated” there, too. Unlike with vaping, i haven’t actually cheated at all. I keep thinking about WHY I’m doing this, and, it prevents me from smoking. Granted, it’s definitely not easy, and I’m not here to tell you it is. I know people who have smoked, and quit cold turkey with no withdrawal symptoms. I remember getting told a story about how my grandpa quit, and I was like “Wow, I wish I could do that!” And, had I not waited almost 18 years to quit, I probably could’ve done it the way he did.

The way I was told the story on how my grandpa quit, made it seem like anyone and everybody could do it, if they were in these circumstances. How he quit was….easy. He used to work for the CPR here. For those of you not in Canada, or the U.S., CPR is the railway system. Canadian Pacific Railroad (or, is it Railway? I can’t remember Canadian history now for some damn reason!) Anyways, he used to be a conductor – and, he was late for his train, because, of course, he was smoking. So, he started to run down the line to his train, and, he made it, thankfully. Though, when he got on to the train, he was coughing and wheezing, which ultimately led him to puke. He said that when he looked, it was black and yellow – and, due to all 3 of those factors, he threw his pack away, and never thought twice about it. Needless to say, he’s been smoke free for damn near 50 years.

The entry i did last night, I can’t remember if I mentioned this, so if I did, I hate to sound like a broken record, but, my brain’s not “all there” lately. I’ll make it sound fresh, though. Yesterday was an…..odd day for me most of the day. Breaking habits is what’s weird for me, and other than the cravings that hit once in awhile, is what’s probably gonna take about a week to get through. Even today, I’ve had to catch myself doing this. When I smoked, i kind of had this “ritual” so to speak. When i went to get a coffee, and i was doing something on the computer, i’d ultimately roll a smoke. Being that I’m back in the bedroom now – where everything used to be – I’d catch myself going to the kitchen, getting tea (which i made last night instead of coffee at the end of the night), and coming in here thinking “Oh! Let’s roll a smoke!” I hate to admit it, but, I caught myself going over to the dresser on more than one occasion before it sank in.

So, to say my brain’s not “all there” – is an understatement. Sure, I’m getting nicotine in my vape – I’m playing around with 12-18 mg’s, which is about 3 mg’s/ml of juice. I don’t do percentages, because, sometimes it’s higher, sometimes it’s lower. With 12 mg’s, it would be 1.2% or, 18 would be 1.8% – you get the idea. But, no. Most Canadian companies aim for about 3 mg’s/ml of juice. When diluted, that’s about the case. If you go watch YouTube videos about DIY E-Juice, you’ll see why i don’t do percentages. There’s actually a really good one that i’ll put in the end of this entry.

Back on topic though – i don’t wanna lose my train of thought, because there is so much to get through on this day. Last night, i went down to turn up the heat. It was windy, thus in turn, making it bloody cold in this suite. When i went downstairs, i almost fucking gagged. Everybody in this building smokes, except for me now. Remember how i mentioned in an earlier post how the landlord bitches that it smells stale in here? That’s….from everybody smoking in here. I was met with it last night. Up here, isn’t so bad – because they ran out of smokes yesterday. But, going downstairs, all i could smell was the putrid odor of smoke. It made me wonder why the hell I did it for almost 18 years. Sure, if I caved in, and had 1 cigarette, it would taste damn good – but, the odor, ugh. No wonder people bitch about secondhand smoke.

When i walked back into my suite, however – all i could smell was what I was vaping on last night – which just happened to be “Chandler” from River City Vapes at 18 mg’s. It smells fresh in here, and is probably the first time since I’ve been here these 2 years, that it hasn’t smelled like shit in here. Fuck the Febreeze, or the Air Wicks – all i need is my juice!

The cravings are still there, but, I don’t seem to get them that often. OK, when i wake up, it’s there – but, that’s why before i go to bed, i make sure the iStick is where i can see it. Sleeping isn’t really an issue for me, which I’m kind of shocked by. Sure, i have medication at night that makes me tired – but, i would’ve expected it to be somewhat of when i used the patch the last time. Wake up every now and then, have the cravings, fight through them, and go back to sleep. This….isn’t the case. In fact, i actually sleep through the night (unless the cats decide to jump up and either sleep beside me, or on me somewhere) – that’ll wake me up. If i have the usual craving in the middle of the night, if i wake up, I’ll vape on the iStick for a couple of minutes, and then go back to sleep.

About the only thing I’ve had to do was take the coffee down a notch. Mainly, that’s because when i was a smoker, I’d be able to do strong coffee. i still can – to a point, but, I find that if i do end up making stronger coffee, even if it is only 1 pot, my sleep pattern would be even more fucked up. For example, if i go to sleep sometime after 1am, I’ll wake up at 2:30 or 3:00 in the afternoon. Yep, i’ll sleep like a damn baby. Last night, however, the medications didn’t cut in til sometime before 4am, and, led to me playing FarmVille 2 most of the night LOL. 

Yes, i know i’m lame, because i play a stupid game. Hopefully in December, when i get my new computer, I’ll be able to play Steam games, or, ROM’s. I have to get a controller first though 😛

Continuing on LOL! What’s nice about day 3 – today – is how my sense of smell and taste is starting to slowly come back! I love that! I learned last night however, that I’m gonna have to slowly re-introduce myself to spicy foods. I LOVE spicy foods, i honestly don’t know where i got that from. Used to hate them, and steer away from them – but, for the past couple years, my love for spice has evolved. I can’t do anything Sriracha – that’s too damn spicy, but, most everything else i can do. I had these “KurKure Masala Munch” things last night, and holy shit – I almost saw through time.

My lung function is improving – i can tell, because i don’t sing like a cow anymore, and, I’m able to walk without hurting so much, let alone wheeze. I’m getting hungry more often now – and, being able to actually taste food a little more properly now is a huge win in my books. Especially when it comes to the E-Juice. I’ve been playing with flavours, and, where i thought it was the nicotine drowning the flavours out, nope – it’s that my tongue was used to be being a smoker. Granted, I only quit Saturday night at 11pm – but, I should be able to be a little more functional at everything this Saturday!

I’m vaping at a higher wattage now, I’m still coughing up in reverse – especially if the vapor goes down the wrong pipe, because i’m trying to do “Tricks” – and, sometimes they work, sometimes – not so much.

To see what I’ve accomplished with Vaping, and pounding in my head reasons why i don’t want to go back to smoking – even if i only have 1 – are really helping me. Blogging about it is also helping, and getting feedback from you lovely people who read and comment are just….motivating me more and more. I’m stronger than the cigarette. The vaping is better, the taste is better – and, even though it’s only been 3 days, I feel healthier for FINALLY taking this journey.

I just hope my parents can learn from me, because, they went back after 1 day.

As promised, I’ll end on the YouTube DIY E-Juice video. Maybe this will inspire some of you (And, if it does – send me samples! LOL!)

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