Tag Archives: Nicotine

Allen Carr’s “Easy way to quit smoking”, and theory on nicotine

I’m gonna be running out of titles soon! Again, I’m doing all the entries that i wrote while i was gone – just a simple copy and paste job. I’m not changing anything in them, because simply, that’s just where my state of mind was on that given day. All I did was date them – because, i suck at titles! Seriously, if someone wants to ghostwrite those for me…..Go Ahead! lol.

This one is from April 21. Again, no particular order that I’m going in here. Maybe except to keep with the “flow of the blog”, and that’s about it. Continue reading Allen Carr’s “Easy way to quit smoking”, and theory on nicotine

Is this just me, orrr…???

I had to come back. I missed writing, and these damn fruit flies – along with their brothers, the “big flying bastards” – have decided to swamp my home. I know why, and, fixed the problem, but, that doesn’t mean they’re pissing me off any less. So, to relieve some tension, and, to also put some thoughts down on my current vaping progress. Because, i’ve honestly revealed some things about myself these past few days i figured was worth an entry.

Trust me when i say that this is going to be a ramble of….just about everything. So, i really hope you’re ready to read (And, that myself, as a “Writer”, can captivate your attention.) Continue reading Is this just me, orrr…???