Tag Archives: ni200

Temperature Control? Probably not

After viewing a video on YouTube (Below) – I have decided Against using Temperature Control. Until someone can safely say to me that Ni200 wire, or Nickel – is safe to vape on. Titanium is the same way. If i could build my own coils, or, even try and attempt to – i would probably go the way of Clapton, or, Platinum. But, since I’m no bloody “Expert”, and couldn’t rebuild an RBA, or an RTA/RDA, I’ll leave that to the others. I’m fine and happy vaping in Variable Wattage or Voltage mode with Kanthal, thanks. And, until someone can safely tell me that vaping on Kanthal wire is safe on TC mode – other than just speculate (There’s a mod going around, probably Smok – built with Evolv’s DNA200 chip that Claims it can do TC with Kanthal.)

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