Tag Archives: Innokin

I’m bad at blogging!

It’s official. I suck at blogging. I haven’t written a damn thing in here for almost a month, and it’s not for lack of trying. I’ve been really busy lately – trust me, for an introvert, that’s a miracle. I’m back now, though, and will try and update this as best as i can from now on. Hopefully. Continue reading I’m bad at blogging!

Random “Everywhere” post!

I’m trying to make this a daily thing, where I’m going to try blogging as hard as i can every single day. It’s kind of tough, and hard to do that – but, it’s the only way my skills are going to come back to me! So, this post is just like the title says – it’s random, it’s gonna touch on everything, and, give ya a current update on my current status with Aspire and such! So, let’s all just delve into it, shall we? Continue reading Random “Everywhere” post!