Tag Archives: CASAA


Today, if you’re living inside a bubble, is the first day the FDA Regulations came into effect in the United States. It’s a pretty scary time – to say the least. Nothing new can be put onto market there. Juices can no longer be made, well, at least new formulations. Devices are….what you see in the stores now. And, it’s NOT hurting what i’d call the “Seasoned vapers”. The ones that have been preparing for this day. Stockpiling juices. Hardware, etc. Nope. These regulations are designed to hurt 2 groups of people the most.

These 2 groups of people are: The smokers looking for a way out – and the shop owners who can’t do a damn thing to HELP them. Continue reading 8/8

How can you NOT panic?

Since last week, vaping has taken a hard hit south of the border, in the United States. Both federally AND in some states, especially California. Thanks to Governor Jerry Brown, and the rushing of passing 3 bills, the vape scene in California, come June 9 of this year – has taken a shot right through the heart. Hell, they even attacked smokers in this bill as well! California has now become a state where I’m thankful not to live, and has seriously shot itself in the arm due to the BILLIONS of dollars they will now lose on taxes, among other things.  Continue reading How can you NOT panic?