Tag Archives: California

Relaxed? Maybe

The past couple of days have been a whirlwind for me. Yesterday, i threw up a rant about the regulations in California and New Jersey, along with some of the FDA Reg’s. I can’t lie, i was pissed off with everything that’s been happening since the 5th. It’s not looking pretty in the United States. Even though I’m up here in Canada, I really can’t help but peer in through the window, because normally what the US does, we tend to follow suit.

I dunno, for me, I’m glad we got rid of Harper…..but, do i trust politicians in general? No. Trudeau can do anything he wants, the Liberals have a majority in the house, and they tend to be a little more “socialist” with their ideas (Allowing people freedom to do what they want, while also helping out.) Continue reading Relaxed? Maybe

How can you NOT panic?

Since last week, vaping has taken a hard hit south of the border, in the United States. Both federally AND in some states, especially California. Thanks to Governor Jerry Brown, and the rushing of passing 3 bills, the vape scene in California, come June 9 of this year – has taken a shot right through the heart. Hell, they even attacked smokers in this bill as well! California has now become a state where I’m thankful not to live, and has seriously shot itself in the arm due to the BILLIONS of dollars they will now lose on taxes, among other things.  Continue reading How can you NOT panic?

Today’s FDA Regulations, and what it means

This entry isn’t mine, because i can’t read the full study of the FDA’s regulations. It gives me migraines, and i could read it forwards or backwards, and i would have an out of body experience. Telling me that i could only re-enter my body if i put it down. So, Today’s entry comes from The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary

This is HUGE news, and could have a serious impact on, not only up here in Canada with regulations – but, the Entire vaping world as we know it today. California has already signed their own bill yesterday evening (Thanks, Governor Jerry Brown!) Which, not only pushed the legal smoking age from 18 to 21 – but, also filed vaping – or “E-cigarette’s) in that bill as well.

So, here is the simplified breakdown of what happened today at the FDA in the USA, thanks to Dr. Michael Siegel. Continue reading Today’s FDA Regulations, and what it means