Category Archives: E-Juice

I Love Being a Beta Tester!

It’s official! As of Thursday, I became a Beta Tester for Cloud Chemist! I have known Ian since I heard about him through Kevin before he left a store here – so, about 3 months now. I LOVE his line of juices, and I can officially say that his line of desserts are 1 of the few I can vape on. Main reason for that? No Alcohol, no Water, none of this BS added crap. 

Even at 12 mg’s of Nicotine (which, for the record, I really can’t do too often, because of the head rush.) His flavours shine through. Peanut butter tastes like peanut butter. Pralines taste like pralines. You get the idea. Continue reading I Love Being a Beta Tester!

Cloud Chemist E-Juice Review!

This is NOT a paid endorsement post. This is juice that i’ve traded in for, or bought myself. This review is meant to introduce you to new juice lines, or, maybe try something new. The review is my personal opinion only, and should not be used for medical advice.

If you want to check cloud chemist out online, feel free to do so here: Continue reading Cloud Chemist E-Juice Review!