I Love Being a Beta Tester!

It’s official! As of Thursday, I became a Beta Tester for Cloud Chemist! I have known Ian since I heard about him through Kevin before he left a store here – so, about 3 months now. I LOVE his line of juices, and I can officially say that his line of desserts are 1 of the few I can vape on. Main reason for that? No Alcohol, no Water, none of this BS added crap. 

Even at 12 mg’s of Nicotine (which, for the record, I really can’t do too often, because of the head rush.) His flavours shine through. Peanut butter tastes like peanut butter. Pralines taste like pralines. You get the idea.

So, while I’m in the beta club – something I will be doing on a monthly basis – I get to see flavours come and go. Improve. Get kicked to the curb. Only 1 normally makes the cut. Of course he writes things down – so, if you do like something, he can make it like that – even if it’s not in the lineup.

I’m not gonna sit here and shit on flavours that are in beta. They’re there for a reason. But, any time I can offer helpful advice – that’s what I’m here for. I signed up for fruit and menthol. I get 2 fruit, and 1 menthol. The 2 fruit are Clock Work and The Ice Cream. While, the one menthol/mint is The Mojito. The Mojito one is something i enjoy, especially at night. It’s not really a “Minty” menthol – it’s more along the lines of a Spearmint. With a cooling effect on the throat. It’s not too strong, and it’s not light either, it really is a perfect balance.

Personally though, i prefer the Spearmint he has in his lineup already. It’s got a spearmint taste to it, with a light vanilla exhale. And, even though I have it in 12 mg’s – it’s one I like. It’s smooth, yet, crisp. Minty, but, not “Oh my God! This menthol is gonna kill me!

Clock Work however, I have tried in 2 separate tanks…..and, for the life of me, I can’t taste what he’s going for. On the exhale, you can kind of taste it – but, it comes across weird. You can smell it in the tank though, and it comes across as mouth-watering, like a blend of oranges or something, with like a blueberry, or a really weird fruit blend I haven’t tried yet. It’s hard to pinpoint when you have a blend coming at you, and you can’t figure out what the hell it is LOL

I say that in the nicest way possible, of course.

The Ice Cream is also a little bland. But, what I do get from that is kind of like a sherbert. Possibly an orange sherbert, with some vanilla tossed in there. It’s not really complex – but, it is one of those that, even though the flavour’s muted a bit – the exhale smell of it, actually makes me crave it more.

If I didn’t have the fans on in here, this place would smell like mint or spearmint – with Ice cream, and black licorice. 

That was a nice Segway. I had to replace a tank, because the Herakles tank broke. It didn’t break per-se, but, the O-Rings are loose, or….something I don’t even know about is wrong with it. The glass is moving around, and, it keeps freaking leaking on me. I put it aside for now, and am using the iJust 2 tank on my Cuboid Mini, and bought the Aspire Cleito tank on Thursday.

While I put in the order for the tank, I wanted to try Gas City Vapes house juice they have. They have about 6 or 7 now. I went with the 2 i fell in love with – Black Licorice and Cola and Chill.

In just a little under a week – i have vaped almost the entire bottle of black licorice. That’s how good it is!

I do NOT like black licorice though when you buy it at the store. I don’t know why, i just was never a fan of black licorice. This juice is the exception to the rule. Damn good!

Anyway, before i ramble on with shit else to say, I’ll leave it at this for now!