
Today, if you’re living inside a bubble, is the first day the FDA Regulations came into effect in the United States. It’s a pretty scary time – to say the least. Nothing new can be put onto market there. Juices can no longer be made, well, at least new formulations. Devices are….what you see in the stores now. And, it’s NOT hurting what i’d call the “Seasoned vapers”. The ones that have been preparing for this day. Stockpiling juices. Hardware, etc. Nope. These regulations are designed to hurt 2 groups of people the most.

These 2 groups of people are: The smokers looking for a way out – and the shop owners who can’t do a damn thing to HELP them.

In case you didn’t know, under these new regulations, shop owners and their employees can no longer help anyone with instructions on how to use their devices. For us, the “Seasoned vapers”, again, that’s not so much a problem. We buy devices, and they all work in the same kinda style and function. But, think back to when you were a smoker – or, if you’re still smoking, for that fact – and, walk into a vape store wanting to buy a device, but, needing to know how to use it. Well, for the most part, you’d be fucked.

HOWEVER – today has been overwhelmingly kinda positive. I’ve seen instagram posts of people who are NOT employed by a store, sitting outside on a chair – offering full assistance to that group of people. They’re not everywhere, or, in every state….but, at least there’s a damn glimmer of hope that comes out of this. Knowing that in parts of the states, smokers who are willing to take the plunge away from smoking – can turn to a vaper outside, and get a full rundown. Better than any instruction book that comes with the device can do!

But, there’s even more to this side of things. Since vape shop owners can no longer instruct new users, this also means that “Sample bars” are out of the question, too. No more being able to try a juice to see if you like it before you buy it. No more trying different brands to see if you’re missing out, or, missed out on something. Nope, everything is done blindly.

Today, Wells Fargo – you know, one of the banking systems we’ve all just come to love in these last 10 or 11 years – they put out a damn white paper heavily in favour, of not only “Big Tobacco”, but, the FDA Deeming Reg’s themselves. The 3 companies who rushed to have products on the market for today, with the Vuse, MarkTen, Nu Mark….even down to the IQOS that Phillip Morris has been testing in Japan and parts of Europe.

Wells Fargo deals a “delicious blow” to the vape scene that established itself maybe 4 years ago. Totally heavy in favour of the closed down devices, and have put their stocks as “Must haves” – because, they, Big Tobacco – have push on the FDA, where companies like Suicide Bunny, Cuttwood, Aspire, KangerTech, NKTR, and many others don’t. Why? Because of the Pre-Market Tobacco Application (PMTA) or the “Equivalent” paperwork.

Yea, it may come as a shock to most, but, Big Tobacco doesn’t really have to do any of these PMTA’s now. Only maybe the equivalency part of the equation. Hell, if they have their way, they won’t even have to do that.

So, i know some people are saying “Calm down, have a vape”…..it’s NOT that easy! Knowing what’s going on as of today, and what’s gonna continue for at least the next 2 years – is nothing to swallow easily. You can’t just sit back and watch this shit happen.

Even for me, being up in Canada – it pains me to see what’s going on down there. Because, some people i know have had the chance to talk to Health Canada officials – and, knowing that it’s not gonna be as bad up here (We’ll see a $1 to $2 spike in juices.) Knowing that devices will be able to keep coming out up here, and not screwed with. Knowing that as of April 2016, we now have to prove we’re 18/19 and over with online purchases (Which sucks for me, because i have no ID!)

The fate of this industry rests in the hands of SFATA, CASAA, and Right 2 Be Smoke Free – which i highly recommend you donate to them if you’re in the states. This fate also lies with you, the public. Get out there! Educate would be vapers! Offer assistance outside vape shops! Don’t just “Relax and have a vape”. Sure, allow yourself to breathe a little – but, don’t just sit back and do nothing.