Failure is NOT an option!

I know for the past couple of days, I’ve been in just the worst mood ever. Things weren’t working, i wasn’t happy with anything – and, let’s face it, my mood was absolute shit. Now that I’m in a better place, and my mood isn’t fluctuating anymore, I’ve been able to focus solely on vaping, and trying to quit smoking. Let me tell you, i have NOT been in a better mood for awhile now! Let’s get at this entry!

First, i know i was all doom and gloom on the last couple of entries, but, that Chris is gone, at least for awhile. I know I’m going to have slumps, and hurdles along the way – but, as the entry says, Failure is NOT an option! Success is my only option, and if i don’t succeed, i’m ultimately gonna die from a bad choice i made to stop vaping. I know this is a process, and i know what’s going to work for me now.

The way my mind works is a little fucked up, to say the least. I do get overwhelmed by things, much more than usual. I get pissed off if something isn’t working, or in the case of eLeaf – if they don’t co-operate with me. Seriously, i think I’m done with that company. They don’t wanna fix my iJust 2, even though it is still under warranty, and just needs a damn replacement atomizer. But, the Chinese subsidiary said they “don’t cover user error.”

How the Fuck is it “user error”? OK, maybe a little, i understand. It was charging, i go to take a puff, and before i do, it drops. It’s dropped a couple times before, and nothing happened. Hell, once on cement! But, apparently, give it a damn floor, and it shatters.

It took them a fucking week to get back to me. Facebook messages, 2 emails, 4 Facebook messages – and FINALLY today, they get back to me. They send me to the US company’s website for the atomizer….and, yep, you have to replace the whole thing, not just the glass. Well, it’s under warranty, so they SHOULD – if they’re a reputable company – send me a replacement. It’s under warranty for 3 months – the end of June will be the end of it.

Seriously, I’ve had better customer service from Joyetech and Aspire, and will be sticking with those brands. Kanger’s good too, and so is Smok. I haven’t had the pleasure of dealing with the last 2, but, a few of my friends have, and they’re blown away by what they’ll do to make their customer’s happy – especially under warranty.

The other thing that added to my stress was bills. Yes, it’s nice not to have to worry about rent, or utilities, because they automatically come off my cheque. But, i still have to worry about a bus pass, my glasses this month, and Primus. Ha….speaking of which, my Primus bill is under $20 this month – so, i’ll pay them in full next month. All because I’m buying the Cuboid Mini, and i’m also buying the Smok Cloud Mini. I’ll be buying the cloud mini from VapeSense here, and then the Cuboid Mini at Vapor Jedi – along with some juices that i really wanna try by them. If money allows, i’ll pick up a thing of Notch coils as well, because the others….Well, let’s just say with the AIO by Joyetech, the 2nd coil it comes with kinda sucks lol. If i woulda had the money, i woulda bought the lower resistance ones, but, i didn’t.

Right now, i’m very lucky to be using just a teeny step up from the AIO – the Kanger EVOD tank. My sister-in-law doesn’t use it, and thought that i could benefit from it more – so, she gave it to me today. Was supposed to be last night, but, things fell through. I LOVE this thing though! It works better with a higher PG ratio – and, i’m trying to get the menthol taste out of there – even with a hot water bath, and a cold water bath – for both the tank and coil – the aftertaste is still in there. Other than that, it’s working quite nicely.

And, i am using the AIO again. The coil’s been broken in – so, it’s no more burned hits. Just, feels like puffing on air. Even the airflow isn’t working all that well. I also am still smoking, just not as much – and, hopefully won’t be come next month! I’ll be looking at that “easy way to quit smoking” website, and watching the videos, and even more crap they have on there.

So, don’t be alarmed. I am back. i am NOT quitting vaping. I am still an advocate. Before i leave, let’s focus on something that happened the other day in the UK – who is now pressuring the EU to adopt the rules!