We, as Vapers, need to stand together

I’m probably going to start a war. Again. It seems to be what I’m good at, the whole “Sure Chris! Let’s start some controversy!” And, that’s what this post will most likely end up doing. This isn’t one of the entries I did while I was gone – this all came to me tonight. After some much needed “break time” away from the computer.

I do however HOPE that it doesn’t stir the pot, and that it creates an awareness of what’s going on, and how we as vapers – from wherever you are in the world, and not just the United States – actually start to realize what’s going on, and what we need to do to fix this current stigma that we all face.

With that said, let’s keep an active conversation going. And, if you’re going to comment (Feel free to, actually! I promote that!) Do so with an understanding of what’s going on, and let’s all have a civil conversation. Continue reading We, as Vapers, need to stand together