This needs to be said…Again

Yes, i was gonna do juice reviews right now – but, I’m putting that on hold for another hour, because some things have come to light, and, i have to put in my 2 cents here.

Let me start off by saying that this might cause some words – because, for me as a vaper – to hear about this stuff go down, it makes me sick to my stomach. And, there are certain people on very different spectrum’s of this. I am NOT talking about the Advocates, nor am i speaking to a majority of the enthusiasts. Let’s just be clear about that.

If you have anything to say – comment. Add to the bigger picture here, because, it’s not just my viewpoint, even though it is my blog. Continue reading This needs to be said…Again

A few things are pissing me off right now

As you can no doubt tell from the title, I’m pissed off at – and about – a few things. Since i don’t like venting on Facebook (even though this blog is connected to it), I’ll do it here. It’s here to relieve my stress, because this blog is normally all about my venture’s on my journey to quit smoking. If i don’t learn how to release this crap somewhere, and just hold it in – it’s not gonna do much for me on my quit date of the 15th this month.

Bonus side note: I DO have 2 Juice reviews coming up today too – so, don’t think this is gonna be the ONLY entry. Continue reading A few things are pissing me off right now