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Seriously, i have no idea what to call this entry – that’s what kind of crap mood i’m in tonight. Today would’ve been day 2 without a smoke, but, last night, i caved, and caved hard. Today was no exception. Just a whole bunch of stress caused by unwanted people who i’m not gonna name, just because…Well, i’m not really “hidden” on the internet. Let’s just say that. One google search of my name, minus the Twiztid – yea! Just a bunch of shit i heard today, and ugh. Continue reading Enter random title here

Let the symptoms begin!

So, i went to the Alberta Quits website just now, i’m actually still sitting there. I did cave in twice last night and had 2 smokes – but, i’m not taking that as a loss! Hell no! Not happening! I’ve been up a little over 5 hours now, and have had cravings – but, those are just the chemicals wanting it. I’m experiencing the symptoms now, so, i know it’s only the mental challenges that are ahead of me right now. But, before i go into anymore detail, let’s just show ya what Alberta Quits said to me today!

You may experience significant withdrawal symptoms in the first few days of your quit, but the more time that passes, the weaker the withdrawal symptoms become! Fight the urge to smoke with the Four D’s: Delay (until the urge passes); Deep breathing; Drink water; Distract yourself. To reduce the cravings, consider taking Quitting Medications.

Continue reading Let the symptoms begin!